Our Members
Name/ Organization Phone Number Website
Able Property Management (760) 379-5479 www.ablepm.com
Aflac Insurance (661) 805-5211 www.aflac.com
All Valley Satellites (760) 379-3474
AltaOne Federal Credit Union (760)376-2251 or (760) 379-4671 www.altaone.org
Alta Sierra Broadcasting ~ Kern River Radio (760) 376-4500 www.kernriverradio.com
Amerigas #0320 (760) 379-2802 www.amerigas.com
Appliance Center / Hink Inc. DBA (760) 379-8000
ARDefenders (855) 273-7297 ext.101 www.ARDefenders.com
B & D Towing (760) 379-6135
Bakersfield ARC (760) 379-8502 www.barc-inc.org
Bank of America (760) 379-3642 www.bankofamerica.com
Barewood Inn (760) 376-1910 www.kernrivervalleymotels.com
Barnes' Bargains (760) 379-4300 www.barnesbargains.com
Betty B's Justin Tyme (714) 761-0296 www.bettybsjustintyme.com
Brookdale Senior Living (661) 587-0221 www.brookdaleliving.com
Bryan's Pumping Service (760) 379-3987
Builder's Mart (760) 379-5697 www.isabellatruevalue.com
Cal Water Service (760) 379-5336 www.calwater.com
California Land Management ~ Sequoia Recreation (760) 376-1815 www.clmservices.com
Camp James (760) 376-6119 www.campjames.net
CASA of Kern County (661) 631-2272 www.kerncasa.org
Century 21 Lake Isabella Realty (760) 379-3684 www.century21.com
Cerro Coso Community College (760) 379-5501 www.cerrocoso.edu/krv/
Chicago Title Company (760) 379-3611
CJ's II Hair & Nail Studio (760) 379-4224
Clinica Sierra Vista (661) 635-3050 www.clinicasierravista.org
College Community Services (760) 379-3412
Corral Creek Resort (760) 376-3601 www.corralcreekresort.com
Crossroads Mini Mart (760) 379-8170
Cruise Planners (661) 771-9425 www.pumunta.com
Custom Janitorial Service (760) 379-3958
Dam Korner #1 (760) 379-8770
Delta Liquid Energy Propane (760) 379-2050 www.deltaliquidenergy.com
Edward Jones Investments (760) 379-1722 www.edwardjones.com
Employer's Training Resource (760) 379-2074
Engraving Creations (760) 417-0029
Erskine Creek Water Co (760) 379-8309
Faith Morrison (760) 417-2068
Freeman's Lakeside Realty (760) 379-5915 www.freemanslakesiderealty.com
French Gulch Marina (760) 379-8774 www.frenchgulchmarina.com
Gene Parks Insurance (760) 379-4624 www.geneparks.com
General Plumbing (760) 376-3309 www.general-plumbing.com
Golden State Surplus (760) 379-8614
Harry P. Thal Insurance Agency (760) 376-2100 www.harrythal.com
Harry's (760) 376-2333
Hoffmann Hospice (760) 379-4200 www.hofffmannhospice.org
Hyatt Consulting Group (760) 379-4500
Isabella Flooring (760) 379-4427 www.isabellaflooring.com
Isabella Motors (760) 376-4117 www.kernvalley.com/carsales
Isabella Supermarket (760) 379-8222 www.isabellasupermarket.com
Isabella True Value (760) 379-4250 www.isabellatruevalue.com
J. Thomas Borsari, Esq ~ Attorney at Law (760) 379-4641
James Sierra Gateway Markets ~ South Lake (760) 378-2207
James Store ~ Kernville (760) 376-2424
Jamie P. Gelber, Attorney at Law (760) 379-2604 www.gelberanderson.com
Jeannie Verdugo (760) 376-4485 www.southern-sierra.com
Jerry Moffatt Sign Company (760) 379-4747 www.jerrymoffattsignco.com
Jost Painting (760) 223-2912 www.jostpainting.com
K. V. Sun (760) 379-3667 www.kvsun.com
Kern River Automotive (760) 379-6349
Kern River Corp/So Cal Rafting (760) 417-4369 www.socalrafting.com
Kern River Courier (760) 376-2860 www.kernrivercourier.com
Kern River Motors INC. (760) 549-0077 www.kernrivermotors.com
Kern River Outfitters (800) 323-4234 www.kernrafting.com
The Pizza Barn (760) 376-1856 www.thepizzabarn.com
Thomas Refuse Service (760) 379-2618 www.thomasrefuse.us
Tim's Auto Glass (760) 223-1389
Tubatulabal Tribe (760) 379-4590 www.tubatulabal.org
Visions That Click (760) 376-2223
Walter Mortensen Insurance (760) 379-4651 www.wmi.cc/wmi/resources/locations.asp
Wells Fargo Bank (760) 379-4335 www.wellsfargo.com
WestAmerica Bank (760) 379-2691 www.westamericabank.com
Western Auto / Hink Inc. DBA (760) 379-2130
Whispering Pines Lodge (760) 376-3733 www.kernvalley,com/whisperingpines
Wofford Heights Mini Storage (760) 376-3293
Darlene Wolowiec
Debbie Chealander
Emily Diggles
Elaine Roach
Erie Johnson
Fred Roach
George Haller Jr.
George Stahl
James Malouf
John Blythe
John-Henry Strathmann
Joughin Ranch
Michele Lynn
Mick Gleason
Natalie Brown
Ray Thurm
Richard Rowe
Ron Gillentine
Tom Anderson
Tom McKinney
Keith Ryan Skaggs
Sienna Wellness Institute (760) 379-8630
Sierra Gateway Cottages (760) 223-6269 www.sierragatewaycottages.net
Sierra South Paddling Sports (760) 376-3745 www.sierrasouth.com
Sierra Vista Restaurant (760) 812-7271 www.sierravistarestaurant.com
Sierra Waste Transfer (760) 379-2618 www.thomasrefuse.us
Silver City Ghost Town (760) 379-5146 www.lakeisabella.net/silvercity
South Fork School & Community Foundation (760) 378-4000 www.southforkfoundation.com
South Fork Woman's Club (760) 378-3669
South Lake Cycle (760) 378-2643
Southern California Edison Co (800) 655-4555
Stadium Legends (760) 379-5200
State Farm Insurance (760) 379-2500 www.GaryCharlon.com
Suburban Propane (760) 379-8345
Subway (760) 379-0000
The Burlington Assisted Living (760) 376-6474
The Drug Store (760) 376-2216 www.thedrugstorerx.com
The Furniture Store (760) 379-2868 www.thefurniturestore.us
The Kern Lodge (760) 376-2223 www.thekernlodge.com
The Lighthart Corp/Plumbing & Heating (760) 417-1574
The Lodge At Painted Rock (760) 379-5500 www.lodgeatpaintedrock.com
Kern River Piaute Council ~ Nuui Cunni (760) 549-0800
Kern River Tours (760) 379-4616 www.kernrivertours.com
Kern River Valley Pool Service (253) 905-4932
Kern River Valley Revitalization Inc (760) 378-3888 www.krvr.org
Kern River Valley Senior Citizens Inc. (760) 379-1428
Kern Valley Golf Course (760) 376-2828 www.kernvalleygolfcourse.net
Kern Valley Growers Association (760) 376-3268 www.kernvalleygrowersassociation.com
Kern Valley Health Care District (760) 379-2681 www.kvhd.org
Kern Valley Plaza Shell (760) 379-2805
Kern Valley Wireless, Inc. (760) 376-2246 www.kvwireless.com
Kern Valley Youth Football & Cheer (760) 379-5496
Kern Village Assisted Living (760) 376-6733
Kernville Inn (760) 376-2206 www.kernvilleinn.com
Kernville Mini Storage (760) 376-4200 www.kernvilleministorage.com
Knights of Columbus (760) 223-0102
KOA Parks Management (760) 378-2001 www.lakeisabellakoa.com
KRV Art Association
KRV Fire Safe Council (661) 378-6628 www.krvfiresafecouncil.org
KRV Heritage Foundation (310) 391-3719
KRV Historical Society (760) 376-6683 www.krvhistoricalsociety.com
KV Yellow Cab (760) 376-2227
KVTS Inc. (661) 912-2232 www.kernrivercandleco.com
L & M Lumber (760) 379-4631 www.lmlumber.com
Lake Isabella Mobilehome & RV Park (760) 379-2046 www.lakeisabellarv.com
Lakeshore Lodge (760) 376-1910 www.kernrivervalleymotels.com
Lakeview Motel (760) 379-8250 www.lakeview-motel.com
Larry Waggoner, OD (760) 379-3602
Liberty Ambulance (760) 375-6531
McDonald's (661) 854-3185 www.mcsoutherncalifornia.com/25993/
McNally's Lodge & Restaurant (760) 376-2430 www.mcnallysonthekern.com
Mountain & River Adventure (760) 376-2267 www.mtnriver.com
Mt Mesa Market (760) 379-2867
Mt Mesa Shell (760) 379-5697
Nelda's Diner (760) 379-8448
Northcutt & Associates (760) 379-4626
Optimal Hospice Care (661) 716-4000 www.optimalcares.com
Paradise Cove Lodge (760) 379-2719 www.paradisecovelodge.com
Pat Turnham Realty (760) 417-2231 www.kernrivervalleyhomes.com
Perry Newton (760) 549-3774 www.linkedin.com/in/perrynewton
Piute Pump & Solar Company (760) 379-4422
Pregnancy Resource Center (760) 379-8893 www.prckrv.org
R J Smith Construction (760) 376-4790 www.rjsmithconstruction.biz./index.html
Red's Kern Valley Marina (760) 379-8600
REVA Inc. (760) 299-3222 www.revapets.org
Ridgecrest Area Convention & Visitor Bureau (760) 375-8208 www.visitdeserts.com
Rita D' Angelo (760) 379-7585 www.kernrivervalleyhomes.com
Riverkern Inn (714) 801-7832 www.riverkerninn.com
Riverside One Stop (760) 376-1688
RJN's Son Rise Espresso (760) 379-4777
Rosedale- Rio Bravo Water Storage District (661) 589-6045 www.rrbwsd.com
Rotary Club of Kern River Valley (760) 378-3888
Rushton Dental Office (760) 379-3671
Russell Key - Freestyle Silkscreen (714) 400-5993
RV 2 U (760) 417-9202 www.RV-2U.com
Sequoia Lodge (760) 376-2535 www.sequoialodge.net
Shady Lane Bar & Grill (760) 379-3232
Sharon Rooney Insurance (760) 379-5641 www.sharonrooneyinsurance.com