Calendar & Events

* Man & Woman of the Year: Located at the Lodge at Painted Rock. Awards and installation, 6:00 pm KRVCC (760)379-5236.
* Firefighter Appreciation Dinner: Honoring local firefighters. Located at Paradise Cove Lodge. Social 5:30 pm, dinner 6:00 pm and program 7:00 pm. KRV Exchange (760)223-0488
* Whiskey Flat Days: Every Presidents Day weekend. Kernville celebrates life in the 1850s. Including parade, carnival, music, dancing, crafts, & more. Kernville Chamber (760)376-2629.
* Whiskey Flat Wild West Rodeo: McNalley Rodeo Arena Kernville Chamber.
* Annual All-Valley Jeannette Rodgers-Erickson heart Walk: Kern Valley High School, Lake Isabella. Walk 9:00-10:30 am call Anna Leon (760) 379-5257 ext.24

* Casino Night: KRV Senior Center 5:30 pm, $25 per person includes dinner. KRVCC (760)379-5236.
* Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinner: Honoring local law ennforcement. Social 6:00pm, dinner 7:00 pm KRV Exchange Club (760)379-3667 ext.15 or (760)379-7785.

* 25th Annual Isabella Lake Fishing Derby: April 12, 13, & 14th. Enter & cast your line for a chance at catching the $25,000 fish! KRVCC (760)379-5236.
* Annual Trout Fest: April 26th; Kern River Hatchery. Hands on activities, fun for the whole family. Saul McGarity (760)549-3017.
* Annual Kern River Whitewater Festival: April 23rd; Riverside Park, Kernville. 10:00 am. Whitewater races; Brush Creek Extreme, Hooligan Race Parade. Vendors, food, and a lot of fun. Kern River Council (760)376-3745.

* Annual Kern River Valley Classic Car Show: Kernville 9:00 am -4:00 pm. Rotary Club (760)378-3888.
* Annual Sirretta Street Swap Meet & Sale: Always Mothers Day weekend. Kernville Sirretta Street. Kernville Chamber (760)376-2629.
* Annual Spring Arts & Crafts Fair: Always same weekend as car show and Sirretta street sale. Located Circle Park, Kernville. 7:00 am- 5:00 pm Kern River Arts Association (760)378-4109.
* Book of Golden Deeds Dinner: May 20th, located at Paradise Cove Lodge. Social 6:00 pm, dinner 7:00 pm KRV Exchange (760) 379-7785.

* Annual Sequoia National Forest South Butterfly Count: Kern River Preserve. info at bbarnes@lightspeed.net or (760)382-1260.
* Annual Whitewater Wednesday: Riverside Park, Kernville. Kernville Chamber (760)376-2629.
* Annual Kernville Mule & Donkey Show: Jake's Place, Kernville (760)378-2222.
* 27th Annual Kids Fishing Derby: June 7th 6:00 am-3:00 pm. Wofford Heights Park. FREE for all kids. Info call Elaine Johnson (760)417-0950.
* Havilah Days: Come check out the old mining community and celebrate the small-town rural life. More info call (661)867-2552.

* Annual Firework Extravaganza: Saturday July 5th. Celebrate Independence Day with a beautiful display of fireworks. Starting approximately 9:00 pm over Engineers Point Isabella Lake. KRVCC (760)379-5236.
* Nuui Cunni Fourth of July Gathering: Nuui Cunni Native American Cultural Center and Museum, French Gulch Recreation Area. Entertainment, Indian Tacos, Farmers Market, demonstrations and museum tour. (760)549-0800.

* Annual Rubber Duckie Race: August 23rd. Bet on your own rubber duck crossing the finish line first as it heads down the Kern River. Riverside Park, Kernville. Exchange Club (760)379-7785 or (760)376-4790.
* Rotary Gold Tournament Fundraiser: Kern Valley Golf Course 9:00am-2:00 pm. Rotary Club of KRV (760)417-1008.
* River Rhythms: Every Friday night in August. 6:30-9:00pm. Riverside Park, Kernville. For Concert details visit: https://www.facebook.com/KRVECF

* Annual Kern Valley Airport Day: Come to the Kern Valley Airport admission is FREE. For more info call (760)376-2852.
* Sierra Fall Arts & Crafts Festival: Located at Circle Park in Kernville 7:00 am - 5:00 pm. KRV Art Association (760)379-2844.
* Annual Pride Day: A day to clean up the valley and show your pride. T-shits & BBQ sponsored by Thomas Refuse (760)379-2618
* Kern River Rock n Blues Fest: September 25-28th Located at Frandy Campground in Kernville. Come and enjoys some great food and music. For more info call Frandy Campground (760)376-6483
* Peddlers Faire: Located at Family Life Center in the gym, Wofford Heights. Friday 11:00am to 6:30 pm, and Saturday 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. For info call Jeannette (760)417-2555 or Anna Leon (661)978-8712.
* Annual Kernville Rod Run: Kickin' Back in Kernville": Oct. 11 &12th Located in downtown Kernville. more info call (909)754-5270.
* Annual Kernville Fat Tire Festival: Oct 18-20th. Kernville more info call (800)861-6553.
* Whiskey Flat Fall Festival: Oct. 24-26th, live music, pumpkin patch, Indian encampment, food, haunted maze and more. Located at Frandy Campground, Kernville. Kernville Chamber (760)376-2629.
* 2nd Annual Golf Tournament & BBQ: October 4th Located at the Kern Valley Golf Course, Kernville. Come and enjoy some great food and a round of Golf. KRV Chamber of Commerce (760)379-5236.

* Nuui Cunni Native American Gathering & Fundraiser: Located at the Native American Cultural Center, French Gulch Recreation Area, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. More info call (760)549-0800.
* Annual Jr. Pheasant Hunt: Located on Hanning Flat. Two hunts daily, 7:30 am / 12:30 pm. KRV Fish & Game Habitat Club, More info call (760) 376-3178
* Annual Christmas Parade: Located on Lake Isabella Blvd. 11:00 am. KRVCC (760)379-5236.
* Annual Candle Stroll and Live Nativity: Circle Park 6:00 pm Kernville. Kernville Chamber (760)376-2629.
* Annual Christmas in Kernville & Parade of Giving: Circle Park in Kernville 4:00 pm. Kernville Chamber 9760)376-2629
* Annual Christmas Shop Hop: Merchants of Kernville 5:00-8:00 Kernville. Kernville Chamber (760)376-2629.
*Annual Hoffman Hospice 'Light Up A Life": Tire lighting celebration Circle Park Kernville. For info call Hoffman Hospice (661)410-1010.
* Household Hazardous Waste Roundup: Kern Valley Waste Management Transfer Station, Kernville 9:00 am -12:00 pm. Info call (661) 862-8900.
The dates of these events are subject to change without notice. Changes and additions are expected. For more info on events you can call the Kernville Chamber @ (760) 376-2629 or the Kern River Valley Chamber @ (760) 379-5236.
Weekly Events
7 days a week:
SPECIAL OFFERS: Monday - buy 2, get 1 FREE (tickets)
Tuesday - $2.50 Tuesday (all concessions are $2.50 with admission)
Wednesday - FREE POPCORN (bring your own bowl & with admission)
Thursday - $5 Facebook Password Night (password is posted on our Facebook page)
Friday - Dinner & A Movie -bring a receipt from ANY local restaurant & get a $1 OFF each 2 tickets
TICKETS: Adults $8; Students/Seniors (60+) $6 & Kids (11 & under) $5.
Free Movie Nights, every Saturday at 9pm, to help gain DONATIONS towards our digital cinema projector!
Now Playing
Every Tuesdays & Fridays:
* ARTS & CRAFTS WORKSHOPS Tübatulabal Tribe: 10am until 4pm the Tübatulabal Tribe of the KRV hosts Arts & Crafts workshops. Tuesdays: Scrapbooking; Fridays: beading, basket making & gourd art. The public is welcome to come & learn something new. There is a small fee of $5 & a small fee for working on the cultural art depending on the project they would like to work on. Tubatulabal Tribal Office, 12600 Mountain Mesa Rd. INFO: Louise Akers (760) 379-4590 or (760) 223-1461
Every Wednesday:
* KRV SENIOR CITIZENS BINGO: 1pm Following the Senior Nutrition Lunch at the Kern Valley Senior Center, 6405 Lake Isabella Boulevard.
Lake Isabella. INFO Gregg De Santis (760) 417-0313 .
Every Thursday:
* Exchange Club Meeting: Thursday at noon at the Paradise Cove Restaurant, 10700 Highway 178, Lake Isabella. Contact John Blythe, president (760)379-2719 or (760)223-6045.
* Rotary Club of Kern River Valley: meets almost every Thursday for a dinner meeting at the KRV Elks Lodge, 6:00 pm. 6708 Wofford Heights Blvd. Contact (760) 379-5501 for more info.
* KEEPER of the KERN Meet at Headquarters campground 8am. (760) 376-2963.
Every Saturday:
* Nuui Cunni Farmers Market: 2600 Hwy 155. 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Fresh produce, eggs, herbs, crafts, and plants. For more info call (760) 549-0800.
* Lakeshore Farmers Market: 7466 Wofford Heights Blvd., at Lakeshore Lodge. 9:00am- 1 pm. Locally grown produce & organic produce from Fay Organic. For more info call (760)379-1692.
* Onyx Farmers Market: Doyle Ranch Road. Onyx. Seasonally. Jun- Nov. 7 days a week. Locally grown produce. (760)377-7460.
* Southlake Swap Meet: FREE for vendors. People start setting up there at 6am, some as late as 9am. HWY 178 at Larsen Road, Southlake.
* Downtown Lake Isabella Swap Meet: 8am Located at 6047 Lake Isabella Blvd., Lake Isabella. INFO: (760) 379-8083
Every Sunday:
* Kern Valley Lodge No 498 Loyal Order of Moose: Doors open at 11am. Games at NOON. Lunch menu. Complimentary grilled hot dog with 1st packet of games. Open to the public. Kern Valley Lodge 6732 Lake Isabella Blvd, Lake Isabella.
* Southlake Swap Meet: FREE for vendors. People start setting up there at 6am, some as late as 9am. HWY 178 at Larsen Road, Southlake.
* Downtown Lake Isabella Swap Meet: 8am Located at 6047 Lake Isabella Blvd., Lake Isabella. INFO: (760) 379-8083
* KEEPER of the KERN Meet at Headquarters campground 5pm. (760) 376- 2963.