2014 Isabella Lake Fishing Derby Winners

This 11 year old took 1st place in our Kids 12 & Under Longest Trout Contest.

This 4 year old took 2nd place in our Kids 12 & Under Longest Trout Contest.

This 8 year old took 4th place in our Kids 12 & Under Longest Trout Contest.

This 11 year old took 1st place in our Kids 12 & Under Longest Trout Contest.
Kids 12 & Under
Longest Trout Contest. Sponsored by Central Valley Sportsman Show.

$50.00 Winner

$50.00 Winner

$100.00 Bobber Bowl winner sponsored by Kern Valley Exchange Club.

$50.00 Winner
Money Winners
Bobber Bowl
Not Pictured:
1st: Thomas Amaro
2nd: Michael Parra
3rd: Camryn Troller
4th: Martin Lang
Longest Trout Winners

The Isabella Lake Fishing Derby operates under a special use permit with the Sequoia National Forest and operates on a nondiscriminatory basis. To file a complaint alleging discrimination, write USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington DC 20250-9410, or call toll free, 866-632-9992
Copyright: 1990 - 2013 - Isabella Lake Fishing Derby / Lake Isabella Fishing Derby Isabella Lake Fishing Derby / Lake Isabella Fishing Derby are registered trademarks of the Kern River Valley Chamber of Commerce. The contents of this site is intended solely for personal, noncommercial use. You may not reproduce, publish, transmit, display, modify, create, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, any of the contents of this site. Contents, names, and/or likeness may be downloaded or copied for personal use only. All rights reserved.